If you’re in search of delightful late-winter dining, you’ve come to the right place. Our chefs have meticulously curated a menu featuring seasonal ingredients, perfectly capturing the essence of the pre-spring season (January – March).
Our Recommended Highlights
Try the Insalata di salmone affumicato as a stater. This delectable salad features hot smoked salmon, fennel, blood orange, and horseradish, providing a burst of flavours to kick off your dining experience.
For a delectable main course, try our top pick for the season —the Controfiletto di Capriolo. This oven-roasted ash-crusted venison loin is accompanied by quince purée, Heritage carrots, and a medley of wild berries. Alternatively, seafood enthusiasts can delight in the Coda di rospo—a roasted monkfish partnered with caramelized Romanesco purée, Brussels sprout tops, and a touch of nduja.
To complement your main course, consider trying the Patate piccanti, featuring our spicy rosemary potatoes, or opt for the flavourful Lenticchie in umido—essentially braised Castelluccio lentils infused with parsley.
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